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April 7, 2003
A new weblog (sort of)
I've been threatening to move my weblog off Userland Radio ever since I got my own domain name. The imminent May 1 expiration of my Radio hosting pushed me into taking the plunge. Somewhat less than three weeks isn't long to let the changes propogate around, but so be it.
The the subtitle of my Radio blog was Worth $40 a year? You decide ... It was certainly worth $40 to get a jump-start into blogging, but the limitations of both Userland's tool and the inflexiblity of hosting on their server (no logs!) pushed me this direction.
I'm moving over into using Movable Type. I've been using MT at work since last summer, and I've been very pleased with it, so this will feel more comfortable to me than Radio. And using Radio was always dependent on being able to have it up and running on my home PC.
I've done my best to preserve all the old content. I've both moved
all the content into the new structure, and I've made copies of the
userland pages into the same URL structure (aka
). Over time, I'll replace those
old references with HTTP redirects to the newer version of the content.