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May 11, 2002

Mozilla's tab browing is great for reading RSS news feeds

I second what other people have said: Mozilla's tabbed browsing is outstanding for reading through a news feed. If you haven't tried it, tabbed browsing creates titled tabs just above the window you're in, letting you see at a glance what windows you've opened.

To get the most out of the feature, go into the Mozilla preferences and find the Tabbed Browsing preferences: it's under the Navigator preferences. Turn on Middle-click or control-click of links in a Web page; this will allow you to open links into tabs by Command-clicking (on the Mac) or control-clicking (on the PC). You'll also want to turn on Load links in the background, which is what really makes browsing a news aggragator feed fly: you scroll down the list of items, control-click the ones you're interested in, and keep scrolling down. When you're done, you have a tabbed list of items to look at.

Mozilla just announced release candidate 2; it's already my default browser on the Mac, and I'm using it heavily on the PC.

The only thing holding me back from using it full time on the PC is that the WYSIWYG HTML editing tool that Radio uses doesn't work under anything except IE on the PC. That's a pain, because I really don't like working in straight HTML when I'm creating a story. (Though I'm doing it right now because I'm sitting downstairs using the iMac.)